Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy New Year!

Yes, I realize it is July. But, since I haven't posted anything since 2009, I thought I would call this one a New Year's post. I'm not going to try to put everything that's happened in the last 15 months on here, because I don't think anyone loves me enough to read all that. BUT, here are a few highlights:

Charlie lived through his first year of school and graduated Kindergarten.

I lived through Charlie's first year of school, although many tears were involved.

Rachel finished her first year of preschool and is now smarter than us all; just ask her, she'll tell you.

Audrey is 2, and so good at it. She is way more stubborn than I ever was (no comments, Dad), but cute enough to make up for it.

We had our first object stuck up a nose last week. Yes, it was Audrey, it was a bead. She also swallowed a bead that day. They both came out alright. No more beads at our house.

We are taking our first ever full-week family vacation, starting TOMORROW. Half a week of camping with friends, half a week of visiting with family= 9 days of happiness. And yes, that math does add up in my head.

Next month, Brian and I will have been together for 10 years. One decade. Wow. Things are so much better now, thank you Lord. I can't wait to see where we are in another 10 years!

I re-connected with 2 friends that I haven't been close to in years, and it is so awesome to be back in touch with them. I love my friends!

I finally got a new high-efficiency washer and dryer. My life is still crazy, but oh so much better.

Jackson turned 18. As in, legally an adult. I can't believe my husband has an adult child, we are so not that old!

Okay, that's my list for now. We are so truly blessed in our lives that I could go on forever about all the wonderful things that are happening. Instead, I will just try to blog more often than every 15 months to share our happenings. I will try to remember how to post pictures, because I've got some good ones. And know that if you are one of our friends or family, we love you , and pray that you are just as happy and crazy as we are!

Love from Wyoming,


Unknown said...

holy cow, I may just keel over in shock, YOU BLOGGED!! I am so proud of you! And it was so cute! good job keep up the good work! but there was no mention of mod's in there or your pantry! oh so much more to blog about. lol

Sheppard family said...

It's about time. I thought Wyoming had swallowed you whole never to be seen again.